Shipping Policy

Delivery Time

Our average delivery time is 7 days. It has been as rapid as 3 days, and as long as 18 days in our total experience. We’ll update this average, min, and max, periodically.

Order Processing

We handle initial processing of orders within 24 hours. You’ll then receive an order complete email to confirm we have successfully processed your payment. At which point it can take anywhere from 12-72 hours to process with the warehouse and be shipped. All orders are processed in the order in which they are received. During periods of high volume, there may be an additional delay of up to 9 days in the warehouse processing orders. We apologize for any unanticipated delay, and are constantly working to improve the speed with which we get your packages on the move.

Shipping Times

  • USPS: 4-14 days
  • FedEx: 7 day
  • UPS: 5-9 days

We utilize all three services as effectively as possible to best serve you.

Free Shipping

We never charge you for shipping an order. It’s our commitment to provide the best service possible to our valued customers.

Delivery Time Guarantee

We do our best to ensure prompt delivery. However, given the nature of nationwide shipping and the factors outside our control, we cannot guarantee the exact duration of processing and shipping. Our aim is to get your products in your hands as quickly as possible, and we appreciate your understanding and support.

For a wonderful shopping experience, we look forward to your great reviews.

Please note that unless specifically stated, all furniture is shipped unassembled. Shipping assembled is typically impractical and at our prices we hope implied obviously where not mentioned explicitly.

Returns & Refunds

For information about returns and refunds, please see here.

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